伊豆半島ジオパーク Izu Peninsula UNESCO Global Geopark

Copyrights on the Website

The Izu Peninsula Geopark and Tourism Bureau Site (hereinafter referred to as “this site”) is managed and operated by the Secretariat of the Izu Peninsula Geopark and Tourism Bureau(hereinafter referred to as “the Secretariat”).

Various copyrighted materials such as articles and photographs are related to this site. The Secretariat holds the copyrights and neighboring rights to the Site, but the copyrights and neighboring rights to individual articles, photos, videos, etc. are held by the original authors. In addition, logos and designs may be protected by trademark or design rights along with copyright.

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Some of the articles and photos related to events and other information, for which the contributor is deemed to have the copyright, may be introduced in other media other than this site. If you do not wish to use this information in any other media, please contact us. Please contact us if you do not want us to use your work in other media.

  • Izu peninsula geopark archives

  • Izu Peninsula Geopark and tourism bureau

  • 伊豆半島ジオパークミュージアム ジオリア

  • 伊豆ジオ半島ジオパークの遊び方ガイド いずじおアクティビティ

  • GEOPARK Ciletuh Palabuhanratu

  • Business Plan & Budget

Izu Peninsula Geo Guide Association
Izu Kyuko Line
Tokai bus