Omuroyama Volcano
Eastern Izu
Landform of Omuroyama Volcano scoria cone; view from the top of the mountain Omuroyama Volcano is o...
Geosite Biodiversity Culture&History Izu Tobu Volcanos Moving Earth Living with the Earth Key site Lookout Volcanic crater
Surface structure and profile of the Omuroyama Volcano lava flow; landscape of Jogasaki Coast In Ka...
Geosite Biodiversity Izu Tobu Volcanos Moving Earth Key site Lookout Columnar joints Jogasaki coast
Kakita River
Northern Izu
The Kakita River is designated as a national monument. About 10,000 years ago, lava erupted from ...
Geosite Biodiversity Moving Earth Key site Natural spring&Hot spring
Surface structure and profile of Omuroyama Volcano lava flow; landscape of Jogasaki Coast In Igaiga...
Geosite Biodiversity Izu Tobu Volcanos Moving Earth Jogasaki coast
Yusuge Park
Southern Izu
Landform of Minamizaki Volcano Since the coastlines around Irozaki were formed in a process where a...
Biodiversity Large Terrestrial Volcano Lookout
Koura 33 Kannons
Volcanic products of submarine volcanoes and stone statues of the Buddha If you walk about 5 minute...
Geosite Biodiversity Culture&History Submarine Volcano
Mihama Cape
Western Izu
The Mihama Cape is a narrow long accumulation of sand and gravel in the form of a ‘spit.’ The landfo...
Biodiversity Culture&History Moving Earth
Ryugu Sea Cave
Rakujuen Genbeegawa
Muroiwado abandoned ...
Access Ranking
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Culture & History
Story stage
Submarine Volcano
Large Terrestrial Volcano
Izu Tobu Volcanos
Moving Earth
Living with the Earth
Key site
Waterfalls & Lake
Volcanic crater
Natural spring & Hot spring
Columnar joints
Central Izu
Jogasaki coast
Northern Izu earthquake